
God doesn’t act in a way that is good for one and bad for another. He has good things prepared for each of His children to walk in (Ephesians 2:10)! And that is true all the time, every time.

Sometimes it’s easier to believe for others than it is for ourselves. And if I’m honest, that’s probably generally true. I can champion someone else while still harboring nagging doubts myself. A choice I need to reject more intentionally.

Often our definition of what is good needs refining, just as a child’s does when they want something that wouldn’t actually be best for them…or honestly really even satisfy them. And we certainly still live in a world that is profoundly broken where we experience trouble and suffering of all kinds (John 16:33). But even what the enemy of our souls means for evil, God can still use for good in our lives (Genesis 50:20). His loving intention is goodness reigning over our lives (Romans 8:28-39).

But God’s kind intention towards His children is not selective. He cannot be good towards some at the expense of others. Otherwise, He would be inconsistent, which He cannot be. Mysterious? Yes. Beyond my comprehension? Thank the Lord! Because if I could grasp every nuance then He would be no better than I…and we would all be in trouble.

But always good. Good always. And all who call on His name can see this. See His nearness (Psalm 139). See His nearness truly is our good (Psalm 73:28)!

This speaks against unhealthy competition that would seek to advance myself at the expense of others. It speaks to comparison which steals joy. It speaks to insecurity that would even try to push others down to make myself feel better. It speaks to jealousy that would rob me of joy at the victories and blessings in others lives.

He is good at all times. To all His children.