The fear of being exposed. Of being found out. Of being known. Of them seeing what's really going on. Of not getting away with it anymore. Of awakening to the reality of brokenness laced in places never realized before.
But you see, the glorious truth is that exposing sin restores from captivity (Lamentations 2:14).
So exposing sin is actually God's tender and severe mercy to me, to you. To free us! So the ultimate goal of exposure is hopeful, because it brings freedom and restoration.
The enemy of our souls condemns and accuses tirelessly. He uses the very things he lures us into against us to keep us bound in silence. The Lord does not expose to hurt us. He does not expose because He was just waiting for us to mess up so He could catch us to get onto us. The Lord exposes in mercy and it is hopeful because He is bringing about the opportunity for restoration and freedom in truth and light so we can be changed to be more and more like Him.
Truth silences lies. Light overcomes darkness.
And it is the tender kindness of the Lord that is unconditional, tireless, endless and inexhaustible that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).