“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jeremiah 32:17)
Nothing. That’s a tricky thought. Because if God can do anything, then why doesn’t He do so much that would seem so good to do?
Could the “nothing” we’re resistant to embrace be the peace we can have through seasons of pain not the elimination of pain (at least not yet)?
And yet, could the “nothing” we don’t dare speak as the hope is too raw be the thing we really believe is coming?
All of God’s promises are true. And everything He has said will come to pass. But when? And how? Sometimes it’s easier to attach a plan, to try to go on mission to accomplish ourselves what only He can. And even in that… what if His “when” and His “how” perfectly fulfill and yet aren’t at all what we could imagine.
This world is broken. We’re promised to face suffering.
What if His “beyond all we could ask, think or imagine” is more beautiful and glorious and gritty than we can conceive because it declares in spite of darkness and heartache that His nearness is our greatest good?
That peace is ours through pain, not in spite of it. That His promises will happen, even if not in the ways I would want or even think best in my finite understanding.
That nothing is too hard for Him.