giving thanks
So much of the kingdom of God is upside-down to my natural bent, my flawed understanding. And yet, when I catch a glimpse… When I spot it… When I behold the Lord, it captures my attention and affection in a new way that resonates more deeply with my experience.
I noticed for the first time, that when Jesus feeds others, He is the one Who gives thanks. The Giver gives thanks.
Not that it’s wrong to say “thank you” when someone gives something to you. But Jesus literally holds the bread, says “thank you” to the Father and hands it to others. The Scriptures don’t record where I can see, that the people said “thank you.” They may have! And I’m not saying we shouldn’t say “thank you” when someone gives us something. But this new upside-down paradigm has captured my attention this week.
The very presence of something in my hands in the presence of those without it can prompt a “thank you” to the Lord as I hand it to them.
And so “thank you” becomes and giving, a pouring out, a sharing of the blessing. “Thank you” becomes freely giving as I have freely received.