finishing sentences


Breathe. Rest. Abide. Receive.

Don't finish God's sentences for Him.

You know those people who try to finish your sentences? Or are you one of those people? (Excuse me while I realize and admit that I am one of those people all too often.)

The thing is, I get so into what people are saying, I'm on the edge of my seat right there with them... And then I blow it and just jump in. Stealing the joy from them in their big reveal. Or just being plain off and wrong in my assumption about where they are going with it all.

It can be a gift when someone is struggling for words and I can ask a timely question or suggest a word if words fail them and they ask.

But how many times have we seen the eager interject only to be met with, "No, that's not what I was thinking." Wrong assumptions strike again.

But how often do we try to do this with the Lord? When He's speaking, so clearly, we're leaning into to Him and then try to finish His sentences for Him. Assuming an outcome He never intends.

When He speaks, you can be sure that you have heard! Take heart. Have confidence. But it may not be leading where you think it is. And ultimately, He is so patient and tender and willing to lead me on any path that will draw my heart closer to His own. And it's honestly not often a very direct path.

I'm learning to let go of needing to know what the end is, to take each moment as grace and receive, and trust Him to unfold the story. Why would I try to conclude things when He hasn't yet? Why would I rush to the ending, when I don't even know what it is and there is so much to glean along the way?

Breathe. Rest. Abide. Receive.

And don't finish the Lord's sentences. He's the greatest Author.